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        Home >Events 正文
        Having Fun Meadow Music Festival
        time:2023-10-31        hits:

        To enrich campus cultural life and show the students' youthful spirit, on the evening of October 21st, our school held the 4th Having Fun Meadow Music Festival in the field stadium of the gymnasium, where more than 1,000 music lovers gathered to enjoy the feast of music on the golden autumn night.

        The activity kicked off with passionate music. Bands inside and outside the school, such as "Blurred Next Door", "Full Class on Monday", "Night Wind in Summer Night" and "Counterclockwise", brought their marvellous performances. The students sat on the floor and listened to  the music in vogue. The audience indulged themselves in the merry atmosphere, savoring the inspiration and motivation in the lyrics. The verse "a generation will eventually grow old, but there are always people who are young" in the lyrics bring the audience into a broad space transcending time and place. The youth and passion in the songs cheered up the audience , and everyone moved with the music, felt the magic of music, and worked up the courage of youth to build a dream.

        At night, the lights are bright, and the students sit on the lawn, bathing in jumping notes, talking about study and life, and imagining the future and ideals. Music festival activities not only enrich students' extracurricular life, but also make everyone feel the beauty of music, cultivate students' cultural sentiments and sense of belongs to their community.

        The Meadow Musical Festival shows the talents and cooperation ability of our students, and promotes music culture and interpersonal communication. The Youth League Committee of our school will continue to organize more activities,  establishing a positive and promising campus culture atmosphere.

        (Reviewed by Wang Jiayi, Wang Xingzhou)


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