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        Zhou Qi Won the First Prize in the National Young Teachers' Lecture Competition
        time:2023-09-22        hits:

            Recently, Zhou Qi, a teacher of Textile and Apparel College of our school, won the first prize of lecture competition in "Young Teachers' Lecture Competition and Excellent Teaching Plan" sponsored by China Textile and Apparel Education Association.

            In the course "Fabric Structure and Design", Zhou Qi applied the technical tools related to fabric design and development, and vividly presented the key points of fabric knowledge from design, weaving to application. The teaching design include necessary teaching procedures and clear teaching objectives. Her confidence, passion and decent gesture wins her the high score of 93.0615 points and the first place in the competition.

            China Textile and Apparel Education Association, established in 1992, is a national, academic and non-profit social organization formed by enterprises, institutions, social organizations and individuals related to textile and garment education industry with the approval of the Ministry of Education. This "Young Teachers' Lecture Competition and Excellent Teaching Plan" aims to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue. It deepens the teaching reform of textile majors and improves personnel training ability. Facilitated by latest technology, the competition attempts to explore the construction of new grass-roots teaching organizations, build a teacher development community, guide teachers to take root in teaching, love teaching, improve education and teaching ability, and provide strong support for the high-quality development of higher education.

        (Reviewed by Wang Jiayi, Wang Xingzhou)


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