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        Winning the Third Prize in "Word Talent Cup"
        time:2023-06-30        hits:

        Recently, the winners of the third National College Students' English Vocabulary Competition were announced, and Yang Yunbo, a contestant from our school, won the national third prize.

        The contest aims to deepen college students understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, cultivate their awareness of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and integrate technology into teaching English. It is the largest English vocabulary competition in China at present, and has been highly recognized by teachers and students in colleges and universities all over the country.

        Academic Affairs Office and Foreign Languages College of HIE attach great importance to this competition, and more than 5,000 students from our school participated in this competition. The contestants are divided into two groups--College English group and English majors group. The competition is carried out online through the "Word Talent" WeChat official account. In the provincial competition, 25 students including Fu Taoran, Yang Yunbo and Chai Huiyan won the first prize, the second prize and the third prize respectively. Four students, Wang Baoheng, Tao Yang, Yu Linhui and Zhu Ming, won the third prize of the provincial competition on behalf of Applied Technical School of Hunan Institute of Engineering.

                Organizing students to participate in the "Word Talent Cup" is a new attempt by College of Foreign Language to exercise the notion of "learning from competition". The college aims at stimulating students' interest in English learning and ignite students' motivation for study. At the same time, the competition also renders students more empathetic with the idea of "practice makes perfect" and provides access to a corpus-based vocabulary learning online platform. Moreover, the "Word Talent" English intelligent learning system also provides refreshing insights for teachers to integrate vocabulary teaching into college English teaching system and carry out online and offline integrated teaching.

        (Reviewed by Wang Jiayi, Wang Xingzhou)



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