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        Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Works of Longshan Seal Club Exhibited in HIE
        time:2021-01-10        hits:

        On the morning of January 10th, the 3rd Longshan Seal Club Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition, sponsored by Xiangtan Calligraphers Association and co-organized by the School of Design and Art of HIE, was held at the Zhongge Art Museum of the School of Design and Art. Zhou Peiluo, vice chairman of the CPPCC Xiangtan, Li Guangquan, former vice chairman of the CPPCC Xiangtan and former chairman of the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Federation, Chen Zhiguang, party secretary and chairman of the Municipal Literary and Art Federation, and Ning Liwei, deputy secretary of the CPC HIE committee attended the event.

        On behalf of HIE, Ning Liwei extended warm welcome to the guests, calligraphers, and seal engravers. He said that Xiangtan is a "Chinese Calligraphy City" with profound cultural heritage. The exhibition will pay tribute to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC and the Baishi Art Festival. It has also become an impetus for promoting the construction of harmonious and scholarly campus with cultural power. The activity created a campus environment full of vitality and strong artistic atmosphere, and also had a positive impact on the cultural construction of Xiangtan.

        Mr. Lei Wei, head of Longshan Seal Club, expressed his gratitude to HIE and all those who supported the activities. He pointed out that it exhibits 68 works of calligraphy and seal cutting by 18 members. He hopes that this exhibition can contribute to HIE students’ appreciation of the charm of calligraphy and seal cutting, enriching artistic life of Xiangtan citizens, and a better understanding of calligraphy and seal cutting.

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