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        Chai Liyuan, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Gives a Special Lecture in Our School
        time:2023-04-27        hits:

        Chai Liyuan, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, gives a special lecture in our school

            On April 23rd, Chai Liyuan, academician and professor of Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a special academic report in our school. Yi Bing, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president, Luo Yiping, member of the Party Committee and vice president, Qi Luliang, member of the Party Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Wei Kexiang, member of the Party Committee and vice president attended the meeting, and heads of executive departments, academic leaders, academic backbones, and representatives of teachers and students of some colleges also are also present. The meeting was presided over by Yi Bing.

            Chai Liyuan, with the report of "Integration of Science and Education, Cultivating Talents for the Country", underscored the importance of integrating science and education, cultivating talents for the country from four aspects--mission of universities in the new era and necessary professional skills and accomplishments for qualified college teachers, the development and significance of ideological and political education, future path of scientific research development in universities and ways to deeply integrate ideological and political work into the whole process of production, education and research.

            Academician Chai Liyuan pointed out that the mission of universities in the new era is to cultivate people by virtue, cultivate talents for the Party, the country, the socialist modernization and the people. Excellent college teachers in the new era should be self-motivated and passionate, excel in relevant area of study, be confident and open-minded, resilient to setbacks. They are supposed to a pleasure to work with, respect students and have personality charm. They are expected to be innovative and have their own teaching style. In today's new era, ideological and political education has realized the transformation from ideological and political course to curriculum ideological and political work, which has become a profound revolution in ideological and political work in colleges and universities in the new era. Ideological and political education has realized full coverage of courses. Academician Chai Liyuan shared his experience in the construction of the ideological and political project of the national course Metallurgical Environmental Engineering.

            Sharing the scientific research practice of his own scientific research team, Academician Chai Liyuan expounded the direction and path choice of scientific research development in colleges and universities, and accurately positioned the scientific research direction through social hotspots and national policy research.Chai also introduced local, industry and market research, identified the entrance of scientific research path, and conducted interdisciplinary innovation route research. Academician Chai Liyuan also took his team's practice as an example to explain how ideological and political work can be deeply integrated into the whole process of production, education and research.

            At the end of the report, Academician Chai Liyuan once again answered the historical mission of contemporary universities with "cultivating people by virtue, team building, scientific research and social service".

            In conclusion, Wei Kexiang said that Academician Chai Liyuan, based on his teaching and scientific research practice, brought a high-level report to everyone around the mission of universities in the new era, the improvement of teachers' ability and literacy, the direction and path choice of scientific research activities, and how to deeply integrate ideological and political work with production, education and research. He asked the teachers and students of the whole school to integrate what they learned from listening to the report into their daily teaching and scientific research work, so as to contribute to the cultivation of talents for the Party, the country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

        (Reviewed by Wang Jiayi, Wang Xingzhou)

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