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        CPC Theory Learning Group of HIE Organizes the 3rd Seminar of 2021
        time:2021-03-04        hits:

        On the afternoon of March 4th, at the beginning of the new semester, CPC Theory Learning Group of HIE carried out a third time intensive studying session in Conference Room 311. During this meeting, members of this group studied the spirit of speeches made by President Xi Jinping at the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference and at the Party History Study and Education Mobilization Conference, the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the spirit of the thematic seminars on the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China by leading cadres at provincial, municipal and departmental level. The province organizes the spirit of the ministerial meeting. Party Secretary Chen Yuetang presided over the seminar, and members of the CPC Theory Learning Group and the secretaries of the second-level party organizations participated.

        Vice president Luo Yiping pointed out that firm ideals and beliefs are the spiritual motivation for fulfilling missions and accomplishing tasks. We must always have a clear political direction and position, strictly abide by political discipline, consciously strengthen party spirit training, strive to be theoretically clear, politically firm, upright in style, and maintain the vigor of the Communists at all times. We need to grasp the context of the times, and make contributions to the development of the school in the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan".

        Vice president Xiang Qian explained how to promote high-quality development of the school around six aspects of the spirit of poverty alleviation. She believes that we must vigorously promote the spirit of poverty alleviation, use the results of poverty alleviation to educate people on the new journey, lead people with the spirit of poverty alleviation, infect people with deeds of poverty alleviation, and transform the achievements of poverty alleviation into vivid patriotic education, so as to help alleviate poverty. The spirit of tackling tough problems has become the spiritual driving force for moral education, achieving the school’s "14th Five-Year Plan" goals, and promoting high-quality development of the school. It will continue to promote the organic combination of school talent training and poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and the organic integration of disciplines and economic development.

        Chen Yuetang made a concluding speech and put forward four requirements: First, we must vigorously promote the great spirit of poverty alleviation, take advantage of the situation, make persistent efforts, continue to struggle, make the foundation for poverty alleviation more stable and more sustainable, and continue to explore the school’s various tasks and path to effectively connect comprehensive poverty alleviation with rural revitalization. The second is to conscientiously study and understand the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important speeches, carry out learning and education of party history, integrate party history learning and education into the whole process of education, and encourage teachers and students to learn about history and love party, history and motherland. The third is to speak politics with a clear-cut stand, thoroughly implement the policy of administering the party strictly in an all-round way, with the party's political construction as the command, exert all efforts in enhancing political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and guard against formalism and bureaucracy. Fourth, we must thoroughly, comprehensively and systematically study and implement the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important speeches, accurately grasp the new development stage, thoroughly implement the new development concept, integrate services into the new development pattern, and promote high-quality development of the school during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

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